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Account Settings

All company settings and preferences for employees.

Updated over a week ago

In order to utilize CoffeeCup and the best possible way we have provided a number of account options. These options are separated into different sections:

You can access the settings by clicking on "Account" in the settings sub menu.

Only admins have access to "Account" settings.

Basic Settings

First of all fill in the name of your Company. Then you can choose your own color scheme for your company and customize CoffeeCup to your company CI. Set here when your fiscal year starts, in which currency you invoice and which currency and number format you prefer.


Here you can manage the tags for staff, projects, clients, tasks and expenses.

Removing a tag implies removing it from all areas to which it is assigned.


Enable password check for user analytics in this section. If you activate a lightweight project analytics for users, the employees have the possibility to display the elapsed of a project in the dashboard module "Project extended/compact".

Time sheet approval system

Here you can activate the time sheet approval for project time, work time and breaks. Work time tracking, grace periods for a submissions and locking periods for work days can be set here.

Enable time approval and locking system

Enables or disable the entire time approval and locking system for project and work times. Activating this setting is a requirement for tracking work times.

Enable work time tracking

When work time tracking is enabled users can track and submit their daily work time and breaks.

Grace periods

Grace periods for daily project and work time submission allow the user to submit the work day within a specific grace period after the actual tracking day has ended. Submitting work days after the grace period has ended can lower the tracking score of a user.

Locking period for time entries

CoffeeCup allows multiple looking periods for work days independent of the actual workday submission of the user. On locked work days no project time, work time or brakes can be created or edited unless the project time or work time has been rejected by a project manager or team manager. Users with project management permissions can still edit time entries on locked workdays.

The following locking options can be set:

  • Lock the working days of the previous week within a certain number of hours

  • Lock the working days of the previous month within a certain number of hours

  • Lock the working days after a certain number of days have passed

The individual locking periods can be set either separately or in combination

Scoring system

When the scoring system is enabled users will immediately receive feedback upon the tracking accuracy when submitting a workday.

In the slider, the distribution impact of a accuracy and quality of the time entries can be adjusted and also the tracking as accuracy decrease can be managed for work days that have been submitted after the grace period has ended.


This section you can specify that Saturdays and Sundays count us working days, allow concurrent tracking of time entries, and the tracking of brakes. You can also set the tracking mode to either duration or start and end time.

Planning units

The units of capacity and project planning can be defined by days or weeks. When switching the planning units, no data is lost or added. The planning is valid for all users of the account.

User defaults

These default settings such as language and time and date formats apply when adding new users to CoffeeCup.

Project Settings

Custom fields and data types and visibility can be set for all projects available in CoffeeCup including sub projects and normal projects.

Custom fields are all available via the API and their visibility in the UI can be turned on or off by enabling or disabling the checkbox below the eye symbol.

Any questions?

If you still have questions about the general settings for your company, contact our support directly here in the chat or by E-Mail. We are happy to help you at any time.

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