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Create & Configure Projects

Create projects, assign expenses, additional expenses and employees

Updated over a week ago

Note: Only the "Admin" and "PM" roles can create projects.

Navigate to "Clients & Projects" in the menu bar.

In the Project-Board you get an overview about all clients and their projects. Create a new project by clicking on the "+" button in the right upper corner of the tab and select "Project".

In CoffeeCup, projects serve as individual, self-contained initiatives or tasks associated with a specific client. They provide a detailed view of your work while maintaining independence from other projects.

Main Projects act as high-level containers nested under a client, helping you gain a clearer picture of large-scale initiatives that involve multiple sub-projects. They serve as organisational categories that group related sub-projects together, offering a top-level overview.

Sub-Projects are the detailed work streams or phases within a main project. These nested components break down complex initiatives into manageable parts. Sub-projects allow you to assign budgets, manage teams, and track progress at a granular level, ensuring precise planning & control.

With this hierarchy of projects, main projects, & sub-projects, CoffeeCup provides a flexible & intuitive structure. It adapts to your specific needs, whether you're managing individual tasks or complex portfolios. This system ensures clarity, control, & efficiency in organising your work.

Once you have created & assigned Sub-projects to a Main Project, they will appear nested in the Board View:

Add all the important data of the project. This project information is divided into the following sections:


Select or deselect the "Internal project" checkbox to create an internal or a client project. For both types of projects you define a project name. A shortcut is automatically generated from this name. Assign a color and a start and end date for the project. You can also use the tags and notes function.

*Note: Project colour is visible when you create time entries.*

If you create a "Client project", then select a client from the drop-down list or create a new client via the "Client" input field. Select a contact person for this project from the drop-down list.

Autolink Patterns

Create connections to the DevOps Tools you are using for this project. You can learn more about how this works in our video here.

Project billing type:

In this section you can assign the billing type to a project. Depending on the project, another billing type may be more appropriate. Here we explain you the three types: fixed price projects, time & material projects and non-billable projects.

1. Fixed Price Project

  • Project budget by fixed price

    If the project has a fixed budget, you should select the "Fixed Price" option and fill in the amount. This way the tracked effort of the employees will be reduced from the total budget. Select here whether the hourly rate of the project, the task or the employee should be charged.

  • Project budget by fixed hours
    Allocate a fixed hourly quota and fill in an hourly rate.
    โ€‹Note: If you set an hourly rate for an internal project, it will be reduced from your budget. Therefore just leave the hourly rate field free.

  • Project budget by fixed hours per task

    With this option, you can be charged by hourly rate of the project or the task hourly rate. Go to the section "tasks" and you can add a hourly rate for the specific tasks.

    Note: For internal projects just leave the hourly rate field free.

2. Time & Material Project

For self-employed employees, the billing type Time & Material is particularly suitable. It is similar to the "Project budget accounting by hours", but more detailed. Apart from the hourly rate of the project, you can also bill according to the rate of the task and the employee. Go to the section "tasks" and you can add a hourly rate for the specific tasks or go to the section "team" and you can add a hourly rate for each employee.

3. Non-Billable Project

This billing type can be used for internal projects. You can select if the project budget are fixed hours, fixed hours per task or there is no hour budget. Go to the section "tasks" and you can add the fixed hours for the specific tasks.

Forecast Hourly Rate

The flat hourly rate of the project will be used to calculate the planned revenue within the team and project planning.

Rounding of working time

Here you define how exactly the times for the projects should be tracked. You can decide not to round off and thus to charge exactly. You can also decide to round up or down between 5-60 minutes.


Click on the "+" and use the drop-down list to select the employees for the project or enter them in the search field.

Note: In order to be able to assign employees to projects, they must have been created beforehand.

Once you have selected all team members for the project, you decide who will be the project manager. To do this, check the "PM" checkbox, which will allow you to assign the project manager role to each team member. By clicking on the "trash can" icon you can remove the team members from the project.

Note: A project must always have at least one employee with the role PM. Therefore, in a project with only one PM, you cannot deselect him.


Here you can add different tasks to your project or create new tasks for your project. By default, the two tasks "Concept" and "Project Management" are created from the beginning of CoffeeCup. These are added with each new project, but can also be removed.

You can create new tasks using the "+". Enter a new task in the field here. A code will be generated automatically, which you can change. Choose a default hourly rate and a color for your project. Click on "Save" and you will create a task and add it to the current project.

Invoices & Expenses

Click on the "Invoice" icon next to the pencil.


In this tab you will find a list of all your billed invoices & expenses for this project. Via which accounting tool the invoice was created (easybill/sevDesk) - the amount, the date, the billing period, and of course the number of your invoice are listed here. You have also the option to get directly to your invoice, show the billing report or delete the invoice from your list.

On the bottom left you can easily create a new invoice by clicking on "Create invoice".

In the top right the total billed amount for this project is displayed.


You can also add additional expenses such as lump sum costs or expenses to the project.

After you have selected a category, you can assign an internal note, a date and internal costs. If the additional expense is billable, you can specify the billable amount here. The option "included in the bugdet" calculates the additional expense in the predefined budget of the project. Otherwise, the budget of the project will be increased by the amount of the billable amount of the additional expense. If required, a document can be saved for the entry.


In this section you can store all your project specific documents.

Any questions?

If you still have questions, please contact our support directly here in the chat or via E-Mail. We will be happy to help you at any time.

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