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Request Absences

Request vacation, days off, special leave, etc.

Updated over a week ago

With the absence planning, you never lose track of your team's current and upcoming absences.

To access the absence planning select "Planning" in the menu and click on "Absences".

Note: Each user role of CoffeeCup can view the absence planning.

Request or create absences

There are two ways to create new absences in the yearly as well as in the monthly overview. Either you click on the "+" in the metabar or you select your desired day for the absence in your current view.

Afterwards, a modal is displayed in which you can define the absence more precisely. You can first select the employee, if this has not already been done via the year view.

Note: Absence types can be created individually in CoffeeCup. Learn more here.

Then select the type of absence. If the absence type is deducted from the leave quota, the remaining leave will be displayed. Set a start and an end date for the absence or specify whether the absence should last only half a day. Then click the " Request " or " Save " button.

Note: Only an "Admin" can create absences directly. An "Employee" and "PM" has to request absences, which must be approved by the "Admin" or a selected staff.
Existing absences can be moved, shortened or extended by drag and drop. Click in the middle of the absence to move it or on the start/end to extend/shorten the absence.

Note: The described drag and drop functions are only available in the yearly view and only for "Admins".

Vacation requests

You can easily request vacations from your Dashboard Module "My Week".

Absence planning - functions


Use the buttons on the left side to switch between the team, project and absence planning. You can see the staff of all teams or choose a specific team via the dropdown.

A date selection is available in order to be able to select a desired period.

On the right side you have the possibility to switch to the absence planning between a monthly and yearly view. When clicking on the three dots, you can choose if you wanna see hidden employees and you can also easily export the absence calendar in a calendar app of your choice here.


Only in the yearly view, a list of all your active employees is displayed on the left side.


For each employee, the absences are displayed in the yearly or monthly view. So you can see if, when and how long one of your employees is absent. Holidays are specially marked in both views.

Page panel

The page panel on the right side shows you open, approved and rejected absence requests.

Note: If you have filtered the absences by a specific team, only absence requests of this specific team will be displayed in the panel.

If you select a request, a modal opens that summarizes the information of the request. Here you have the possibility to approve or reject the request. You can also enter a reason in the comment field.
​Note: As "Employee" or "PM" without the permission "Approval of Absence Requests", only your own leave requests will be displayed here.

Any questions?

If you still have questions about the absence planning, contact our support directly here in the chat or via E-Mail. We are happy to help you at any time.

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